Thursday, November 9, 2017

Harvey Weinstein Hyprocrisy

Sexual Harassment Sharks

I am taking time off from writing my Hurricane Irma Survivor novel to pound his out for my poor neglected BLOG.

I am sick and tired of hearing all this bullshit about sexual harassment in Hollywood and anywhere else. It infuriates me that people are losing their jobs, spouses and fortunes over allegations of crimes of which their is no evidence and there are no convictions. Last time I checked this was still the United States of America where people are innocent until proven guilty.

Where is due process here. Sure Harvey Weinstein is probably a fucked up and deeply disturbed monster, but where is the crime in that? Just look at our congress if you are out hunting the mentally disturbed.

Sexual Harassment is the perfect revenge ploy if you want to get back at someone because there is no defense for it. If you want to ruin someone’s life for whatever silly reason you can think of, just call him a sexual predator or say he spoke to or looked at you the wrong way. You will smear his/her reputation and ruin his/her life and not have to prove a thing.

I use the his/her tag whenever I remember to use it as I don't want to be called insensitive. (I don't really care) The brutal and honest facts are that women are ashamed of being sexually harassed where most men just enjoy it.

“But he groped me at a party 30 years ago” To fucking bad. You should have reported it back then. “I was too afraid to report it” tough shit. Who do you think you are coming out of the shadows now to destroy someone else’s life years after the fact because you didn’t have the guts to report the offensive actions when they happened. Just maybe your report and testimony might have saved others from the ensuing humiliations that an unpunished criminal would have caused. You, therefore, are no better than the perpetrator of the crime itself. You are just as guilty, You have only yourself to blame.

Don’t you love it when some hot shit actress comes out and says that she was sexually harassed in the past by a motion picture producer or director in order to get certain lucrative starring roles in Hollywood and then a whole gaggle of women and men ooze out of their collective holes to jump on the bandwagon? They smell easy money in impending lawsuits and instant tabloid fame with their sleazy accusations which only prove them gutless hacks if you stop and think about it.

Maybe if you profited off of being a victim of a “Sexual Harassment” crime you should be required to pay back all of the money and benefits you received for said actions. How many hyper-rich Hollywood A-List actors that make millions off of their silly entertainment jobs do you think would be where they are if they didn’t “sleep their way to the top”? This is the worst kind of hypocrisy that I can think of. What if they had to pay back what they earned whoring themselves out for their eventual fame and fortune? Do you think any of this foul smelling crap would make it to your iPhone news feed? I sincerely doubt it.

If you are compensated in any form for sexual actions you are a whore and technically a criminal: unless of course you are in Hollywood where you just become a headliner and get a gig with Oprah, or a guest shot on the tonight show. 

Sexual Harassment is wrong and should be REPORTED and PUNISHED. As long as sex is fun and enjoyable someone will try to make a buck off it or use it to their advantage. Hell, just wait until those assholes in Washington figure out a way to TAX it.

Now can we please drop the subject and get on to more important things in life like why Toblerone candy bars have become so damn expensive and are getting smaller? 

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