Is tax the Indians
Ok for you politically correct dimwits, the Native Americans.
The Indians were here first. Ok so what. They were conquered. End of story. Can you name one other group of people that conquered another group of people and then allowed themselves to be screwed over by the losers? (Oh yeah. the Japanese. That worked out well) The Indians were one of the most brutal people who ever lived on this planet. Sure they all sat around and peacefully grew corn and killed a few buffalo. In other words, they just stagnated. If the white man never set foot on
The Indians were brutal when they went to war with other tribes. They killed the men and male children while raping the women and kidnapping and assimilating the female children into their society. Does that sound like an advanced peaceful culture to you? How much Hollywood BS propaganda have you swallowed?
Today we give them tax free land, free housing, free food, free healthcare and a paycheck for sitting around and bitching that we are not giving them enough. And then, and this really frosts my balls, we let them erect casinos and let them keep all their profits tax free. These wonderful people don’t even take care of themselves. The poorest place I have ever seen is the Navajo Indian Reservation in
Before you start to think I am crazy here, you should spend a little time in an Emergency Room in
I’m not advocating killing them now. It’s too late for that. Let’s just tax their profits the same as yours or mine are. And stop giving these lazy assholes free money. Make them get jobs just like you or I had to. We were born here also.