Monday, October 7, 2019

Education for Sale.....

So let me make sure I understand this correctly. Some wealthy families are in trouble for buying their children’s way into some colleges around the country. They are being roasted in the press and media and are even being charged with multiple crimes. Some are going to be doing jail time.


You work hard all your life, You invest your money wisely and attain a comfortable level of wealth. Your kid is a spoiled brat but you love them and want to give them every advantage in life that you worked hard for. You buy their way into a college or university.

This is wrong how?

Before you start your “It’s not fair Chuckie” crybaby shit with me, just remember who you are talking to for a second. I wouldn’t tackle a problem like this if I wasn’t locked and loaded for an argument. I specialize in looking at the other side of issues.

You see, we have been doing this same sort of shit with minorities for the last 75 years. 25 years ago the Supreme Court upheld the practice. Minorities who have inferior test scores and education are being chosen to attend college based on their race and prior discrimination practices OVER MORE WELL QUALIFIED STUDENTS WHO AREN’T IN A MINORITY.

Read that again. Some inner-city kid will get preferential treatment over a student with superior grades and educational criteria due to the color of their skin. Sorry Johnny, you are the wrong color to get into the college of your choice. We will admit a minority student with weaker educational credentials into our freshman class instead of you. Never mind your hard work and all the time you spent studying and busting ass to succeed. We have to level the playing field IN FAVOR of someone whose family was treated unfairly over a hundred years ago. Are you an alien illegally in this country? We will even pay your tuition for you.

You are a student athlete and a minority? Just come on in! You don’t even have to be able to read! Scored a 400 on the math portion of the SAT but ran for a thousand yards in high school? Hell we will give you a scholarship and fix your grades so you can play ball for us.

And here we are getting upset when a wealthy couple buys their kid’s way into college? What kind of hypocritical bullshit is this? The government can do this, the colleges do it, but an individual can’t?

This is just one more case of artificial class warfare that our liberal politicians dream up, not to mention the Krakatoa class wet dream the news media gets daily reporting on this nonsense.

And remember, O.J Simpson went to USC. Why would someone spend a half a million dollars to get their kid into a state college anyway?

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Those JEA Blues...

It has taken a while for me to get pissed off enough to start blogging again. But here I am banging away on the old keyboard. Sure the “L” key doesn’t work very well but I will give it a try once more.

What has frosted my balls this time is the impending sale of JEA. The Jacksonville Electric Authority. They are the community/city owned electric utility in Jacksonville Fl. If you live in Jacksonville you HAVE to use JEA as your electric water and sewage provider. There is no other public utility to choose from.

For some stupid reason JEA is researching their sale to a private  corporation. This I have no problem with whatsoever. JEA is a city protected monopoly. What pisses me off is that they are building a brand new headquarters building in downtown Jacksonville. What is that going to cost? They spend millions on advertising about how great their services are on local TV, radio and the print media. Hell they even advertise now  on YouTube! Why? It’s not like they are in a competitive market. People in Jacksonville HAVE to use JEA.

If that isn’t bad enough, the asshole leaders of this publicly owned utility give themselves millions of dollars every year in holiday bonuses. Now they have the audacity to raise your electric and water rates.

So their sale is fine with me…Well almost.

The city council would love to sell your public utility, THAT YOU OWN,  in order to get a shitload of money for themselves. You see the proceeds from the sale won’t go to you the owners, Oh Hell No. The thieves on the city council will keep the money for more useless city projects. They will give tons of cash to the local football team owner and then they will all fly to London on our dime to watch the Jaguars play football. How many roads are under construction in this city? Yet they keep adding more and begging for more money to build them.

We are talking about FIVE BILLION DOLLARS here ($5,000,000,000.00).  That’s the quote from the city council. I didn’t make that one up. That is about sixteen thousand dollars per JEA customer. Would they give you free electric and water service for a few years? Will they lower your rates for a couple of years? Hell no. They will piss the money away on pet projects and line their own pockets.

This is the same city council that swindled 2 billion dollars from the police and firefighters pension fund, They didn’t pay for any preventative maintenance for Metropolitan Park for fifteen years and now it needs to be scrapped.  Yet the local football huckster has built a new amphitheater next door and we have to pay to park there to see a show. Most recently they need millions of dollars to repair our aging schools that they have ignored for the last fifty years.

It is a proven fact these people cannot manage the budget we currently have. Are we going to let them steal our property from us for billions more?