Tuesday, October 14, 2008

20 Amazing Years..............

No I'm not talking about the anniversary of the electric bread machine or the nuclear powered can opener. It is my Anniversary tomorrow. Twenty years ago at 5:00 in the afternoon, Teresa officially became Wifey. That's right, for those of you to this day that didn't know, her real name is Teresa.

Wifey has put up with more from me than anyone can imagine. Open heart surgery,  Zymurgy, Trebuchets, Flaming pig sacrifices. You name it, she put up with it. She is the reason I get up every morning, and is my "Favorite Thing".  Every night I try to tell her what I love her more than. Last night I told her I love her more than my computer, The night before it was macaroni and cheese. You get the picture. 

For all of you who have no idea why she puts up with me; join the club. I can't explain it. I just hope she is always there for me as I wouldn't be me without her.

Wifey, For twenty years of putting up with me, I owe you a Fribble........


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary, you two. And here's to many more happy years!


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!
(Wifey, I know a GREAT divorce attorney!)